Jackie shared the finished product of her Round Robin from.. was it 2 years ago? Good job Jackie!
Out round of playing telephone for the past year was finally completed by 10 of our members & here are the results:
The original art work from a magazine: (I need your help Mary G. Who is the artist? I will edit this when you let me know).
Mary G's piece was very true to the original....
Deb got the message that "Time Flies", but colors & images got switched a bit.
Jackie went in an entirely different color direction, getting the box of memories...
Jan's box of memories held gun names (due to her memories of her husband & his gun club),
colors stayed true to what Jackie started...
Mary L. stuck with the same colors, & carried the names of different guns in her box.....
& Rena ended up thinking we had all lost our minds... Making a coffin & rifles with a wild west theme....(I'm still laughing out loud)....
Margaret remembered browns, western theme, & saw petroglyphs....
Betty B (I think, please someone correct me if I'm wrong) saw rocks & animals,
Mary B remembered Rocks & birds...
& Kate rocks & water & birds. Colors came back around to close to the original & at least we ended up with the idea of flight in the final piece, but the whole thing was almost a flight of ideas!!!
Here the all are in order on the wall together. What a blast!
Kate severed lovely salads & pot pie, & birthday cake for Jean F. who came up to visit from Oregon.
When we were done eating we went downstairs to play with shaving cream. Some of us more than others:~)
We all made a messy fun time of it,
This last shot is what Deb had after all of the shave cream had been washed off.
Thanks again Kate for hosting such a fine day!